
Casetext has revolutionized legal research with its cutting-edge AI assistant, CoCounsel. By leveraging the power of GPT-4 and tailoring it to the legal industry, Casetext has created a tool that not only accelerates the research process but also possesses advanced writing and comprehension capabilities at a postgraduate level.

However, Casetext’s CoCounsel goes beyond just legal research. It offers a wide range of functionalities that can assist in various legal tasks. From reviewing documents and searching databases for relevant information to preparing for trial and summarizing findings, CoCounsel is a versatile tool. It even helps in laying out the groundwork for a legal memo and verifying contract data and compliance through document analysis. With CoCounsel by your side, legal professionals can enhance their efficiency and accuracy in multiple aspects of their work.

Key Features

● Fast-track legal research and deposition prep
● Meticulous document review
● Automate contract revision

Ideal for

law firms of all sizes


Basic plan $110 per month on an annual plan.
CoCounsel plan $400 per month, billed annually.

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