AI-Fueled Customer Connections Yield 70x ROI

A British wellness brand faced challenges in a crowded market, including skepticism about hair growth products. To overcome these, they implemented an AI solution using personalized video messages from the founder at key customer touchpoints. This resulted in a 70x ROI, increased email engagement, and faster cart recovery.


Plantmade is a British wellness brand that harnesses the power of plants to promote hair growth and overall well-being. Going beyond just hair care, the company offers a comprehensive line of products and supplements to support healthy hair growth and overall wellness. Committed to sustainability, Plantmade uses eco-friendly packaging and actively seeks to reduce its environmental impact.

Problem statement:

● Standing out in a crowded market: Capture attention and customer loyalty in a highly competitive personal care and wellness industry.
● Overcoming industry skepticism: Build brand trust and convince potential customers of the efficacy of their products, especially in the hair growth category.
● Scaling personalized customer interactions: Maintain the level of personalized experience that was key to early success while expanding the customer base.


☑️ 70x ROI: This significant return on investment highlights the effectiveness of the AI approach in driving sales and revenue growth.
☑️ 10% Cart Recovery Speed: Personalized messages likely helped recapture abandoned carts, leading to a faster completion rate for potential purchases.
☑️ 65% Email Open Rate: Increased engagement with email communication suggests customers were more interested in Plantmade’s messages due to the personalized touch.
☑️ 43% Email Click Rate: A higher click-through rate on emails indicates customers were not only opening messages, but also actively clicking on links and engaging with Plantmade’s content.

AI Solution:

Facing the challenge of maintaining customer engagement in a competitive and skeptical market, Plantmade sought an innovative solution. They partnered with Maverick to leverage AI technology for personalized customer interactions.

This didn’t involve complex chatbots or product recommendations. Instead, Maverick’s AI solution focused on replicating the personal touch that was key to Plantmade’s early success. They developed a system to embed personalized video messages from Ama Amo-Agyei, the company founder, at crucial touchpoints during the customer journey.

This could be a welcome message for new customers, a post-purchase thank you, or even a cart abandonment reminder. These personalized videos, delivered through AI, allowed Plantmade to scale the founder’s genuine connection with customers, fostering trust and brand loyalty.


1. Roots of Success: Plantmade’s Innovative AI Approach to Personalized Customer Interactions Leads to 70x ROI

Industry: Personal Care and Wellness
Vendor: Maverick
Client: Plantmade