Unbiased Decisions for Legal Teams


A large solar panel manufacturing corporation needed to optimize expenses on in-house lawyers. The legal team had been expanded to 5 people when entering new markets, but the company no longer required such a large staff. The head of the legal department was tasked with the challenging task of selecting the 2 best candidates to retain and recommending 3 for layoff.


To objectively evaluate colleagues’ competencies, the department head analyzed several recent contracts for each lawyer using bestAgreement.ai. The Red Flags feature identified more shortcomings in the contracts of certain lawyers than in those of others.


This simplified the department head’s selection process. He prepared a report for management, including bestAgreement.ai contract evaluation reports as one of the supporting arguments.

Watch how a legal department head uses AI to review contracts signed by lawyers.

Detailed Case:

The corporation implemented bestAgreement.ai to streamline the contract review process and identify potential risks. The department head utilized the platform’s Red Flags feature to analyze contracts prepared by each lawyer.

The reports from bestAgreement.ai made it clear which lawyers consistently did great work with few mistakes. This helped the manager pick the best people to keep and be sure he was letting go of the right ones based on their actual work.

Using bestAgreement.ai showed that the company cared about fairness and honesty in its employee decisions. The fancy technology helped the manager focus on each lawyer’s skills instead of just picking favorites.

Industry: Legal Services
Vendor: bestAgreement.ai
Client: Solar Panel Manufacturing Corporation