AI Achieves 100% QA for Delivery App

A Spanish delivery app, hampered by manual QA limitations, couldn’t gauge customer service quality. Implementing a generative AI system analyzing all interactions, assessing agent performance, and providing sentiment analysis yielded significant improvements: deeper customer understanding, streamlined workflows, and data-driven decisions.


A Spanish tech company that provides an on-demand delivery app connecting users with local stores and restaurants.

Problem Statement:

● Limited QA Coverage: Manual customer service QA by external partners gave only 2%, hindering their ability to gauge overall customer service quality.

● Manual and Inefficient Processes: Limited manual QA criteria (e.g., politeness) obscured true effectiveness of their QA program.
● Lack of Insights: Spreadsheet-based reports provided limited insights, hindering customer sentiment analysis and areas for improvement
● Focus on Manual Tasks: QA managers were stuck with routine tasks, limiting their ability to focus on strategic activities like coaching and value analysis.


☑️ 100% QA Coverage: Up from just 2%, analyzing all interactions with near-human accuracy.
☑️ Deeper Customer Insights: Analyzed agent & customer sentiment from conversations.

☑️ Improved Reporting & Analytics: Streamlined reporting & gained in-depth customer intelligence.
☑️ Automated Workflows: Freed managers for strategic activities.
☑️ Data-Driven Decisions: Segmented performance data for comprehensive analysis.
☑️ Enhanced Customer Service: Improved quality through deeper customer understanding.

AI Solution:

The company implemented a generative AI system from Level AI to overcome limited visibility into customer service. This system analyzes 100% of customer conversations against their scorecard, automatically assessing agent performance with near-human accuracy.

It goes beyond basic evaluation by offering customer intelligence and in-depth analytics. This includes sentiment analysis of both customer and agent communication, revealing valuable insights previously unavailable through spreadsheets.

Leveraging Level AI’s capabilities, the company can now:

● Automate routine tasks associated with QA, freeing up managers and auditors for strategic analysis and decision-making.
● Select impactful interactions for further review with a more tailored approach.
● Streamline the QA process by reducing the need for manual intervention.
● Segment performance data by region, market, channel, and more. This facilitates comprehensive analysis through customer dashboards, enabling data-driven decision-making.

By implementing Level AI’s solution, the company has significantly transformed its customer service QA, gaining a deeper understanding of interactions and empowering strategic improvements.


1. Revolutionizing Customer Support in Real Estate: A Case Study on AI-Driven Transformation

Industry: Real Estate, Technology
Vendor: Level AI
Client: Spanish Tech Company