AI Assistant Smooths Customer Journey, Reduces Wait Times

A large German cooperative bank struggled with efficiently routing a high volume of diverse customer inquiries. To address this, they implemented an AI-powered virtual assistant. This intelligent system uses natural language processing to understand call topics and seamlessly route customers to the most qualified agent. This resulted in faster and more accurate call routing, reduced wait times, improved customer satisfaction, and increased agent efficiency.


Volksbank Mittelhessen eG is a cooperative bank with a rich history. Its roots go back to 1858, when it was founded as Gewerbebank Giessen. Headquartered in Giessen, Germany, Volksbank Mittelhessen eG has grown into one of the largest cooperative banks in the country through a series of mergers with 164 other institutions.

Problem Statement:

Volksbank faces a dilemma: customers expect immediate, expert help, but the bank receives a high volume of diverse inquiries daily. This suggests a need for AI to:

● Route calls efficiently: Match customers with the right agent based on expertise.

● Empower agents: Provide real-time access to customer history and call context.


☑️ Faster and more accurate routing: Reducing wait times and improving customer experience.
☑️ Increasing agent efficiency: Lower training costs and higher competence lead to a reduction in working time.
☑️ Increased flexibility and control: Easy setup facilitates data-driven decision-making.
☑️ Foundation for future digitalization: Integration with other technologies lays the groundwork for improving customer service over time.

AI Solution:

Seeking a solution to handle a high volume of diverse customer inquiries efficiently, Volksbank Mittelhessen implemented the Spitch Virtual Assistant, an AI-powered solution. This intelligent system addresses the bank’s challenges in two key ways:

Natural Language Understanding: The Spitch Virtual Assistant greets callers and utilizes its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand the reason for their call. The AI can accurately identify the relevant topic by analyzing the customer’s spoken request.

Intelligent Call Routing: Based on the identified call topic, the Spitch Virtual Assistant seamlessly routes the call to the most qualified staff member available. This ensures that customers are connected with the agent who possesses the most relevant expertise, eliminating unnecessary wait times and misdirected calls.


1. Virtual Assistant Recognizes Call Reasons for Volksbank Mittelhessen

Industry: Financial Services
Vendor: Spitch
Client: Volksbank Mittelhessen eG