AI Cuts Publisher Costs by 50%, Boosts Speed 99%

A well-established academic publisher faced hurdles such as slow and expensive content creation, inconsistent quality, limited global reach, and teamwork. They implemented an AI-powered solution, achieving a 50% cost reduction, 99% faster textbook descriptions, and improved content quality and collaboration.


Sage Publishing, established in 1965, is a standalone academic publisher that produces books, journals, and electronic media. With over 1,000 journals and 800 books published annually, they cover various subject areas, including business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and medicine.

Problem Statement:

● Slow and expensive content creation: Manual processes were time-consuming and costly, especially for translations.
● Inconsistent content quality: Maintaining brand consistency and quality across diverse materials was difficult.
● Limited global reach: Expanding into new markets and languages was challenging due to scalability issues.
Poor collaboration and knowledge sharing: Siloed workflows and a lack of centralized knowledge hindered teamwork and innovation.
● Inability to focus on strategic tasks: Teams were overloaded with repetitive tasks, limiting their ability to focus on strategic initiatives.


☑️ 50% reduction in marketing spend
☑️ 99% faster creation of textbook descriptions
☑️ Enhanced content quality and consistency
☑️ Improved collaboration and knowledge sharing

AI Solution:

In response to these challenges, Sage Publishing identified Jasper, an AI-powered content creation platform, as the ideal solution to transform its content operations. Jasper’s capabilities aligned perfectly with Sage’s requirements, offering:

● Automated Content Generation: Jasper’s ability to generate high-quality content from scratch or based on existing information significantly reduced the time and effort required for content creation.

● Content Quality and Consistency: Jasper’s AI technology guaranteed consistent brand messaging and quality across all content, no matter the language or location.
● Scalable Translation and Localization: Jasper’s multilingual capabilities enabled efficient translation and localization of content, facilitating global expansion and reaching new audiences.
● Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Jasper provided a centralized platform for teams to collaborate, share knowledge, and access best practices, fostering innovation and efficiency.
● Focus on Strategic Tasks: By automating repetitive tasks, Jasper freed up marketing teams to focus on strategic initiatives such as data analysis, creative campaigns, and customer relationship management.

Sage Publishing embraced Jasper, integrating it seamlessly into its content creation workflows. The platform quickly became an indispensable tool for marketing teams, transforming their approach to content development and delivering remarkable results.


1. Streamlining Sage Publishing’s Content Strategy

Industry: Publishing

Vendor: Jasper AI
Client: Sage Publishing