Company Leverages AI for 90.3% Meeting Boost

A manufacturing company struggled with information overload, inefficient meetings, and accountability issues. They implemented an AI-powered solution that acts as a central hub for meetings and tasks. This resulted in increased team participation (richer discussions), high manager approval (90.3%), improved meeting culture (75% positive shift), and better accountability & organization.


Poka is a connected worker platform that helps manufacturers improve communication, collaboration, and problem-solving on the factory floor. It is used by several leading manufacturing companies, including Boeing, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble. Poka can help manufacturers improve productivity, quality, safety, employee engagement, and cost reduction.

Problem Statement:

● Information overload from various sources (meetings, feedback, updates)
● Unscalable methods for managing information growth (e.g., pen and paper)
● Lack of central information repository hinders access and clarity
● Unprepared meetings due to disorganized notes and lack of focus
● Wasted time and decreased productivity from unplanned meetings
● Difficulty tracking action items and following up on decisions
● Scattered information makes it hard to measure performance and hold people accountable


☑️ Stronger Engagement: Increased team participation in meetings leads to richer discussions and better decision-making.
☑️ 90.3% Manager Endorsement: 90.3% of managers agree it improves meeting productivity.
☑️ Enhanced Meeting Culture: 75% of users report a positive shift in their meeting culture thanks to Fellow.
☑️ Improved Accountability & Organization: Fellow fosters a culture of accountability by streamlining task and deliverable tracking. Additionally, it enhances team organization and information management, keeping everyone on the same page.

AI Solution:

Seeking to improve meeting productivity and team organization, Poka’s engineering team implemented Fellow, an AI-powered solution that acts as a hub for managing meetings and tasks.

Fellow utilizes several key features to achieve this:

○ Centralized Meeting Hub: Fellow serves as a central repository for everything related to meetings, including agendas, notes, action items, and decisions. This eliminates the need for scattered notes and ensures everyone has access to the same information.

○ Action Item Tracking: Fellow uses AI to automatically generate action items from meeting discussions. These items are then assigned to individuals and tracked within the platform, fostering accountability and ensuring follow-through.

○ Meeting Templates: Fellow allows users to create customized templates for different types of meetings, such as one-on-ones or team brainstorms. These templates can include pre-populated agendas and discussion prompts, streamlining meeting preparation, and ensuring focused discussions.

Using Fellow, Poka’s engineers overcame challenges like forgetting key tasks or decisions and struggling to stay organized with traditional note-taking methods. The platform’s centralized structure and AI-powered features promote a more structured and accountable approach to meetings and team management.


1. How Fellow helped this new Engineering Manager better support his team

Industry: Manufacturing
Vendor: Fellow

Client: Poka