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    Case Studies

    Sustainable Energy Company Uses AI to Track Construction Progress

    A renewable energy company building a high-precision solar farm has leveraged AI to automate panel alignment. This ensured optimal efficiency, reduced...

    AI-Powered Logistics: Saving Money and the Planet

    Implementing its AI-powered route optimization system, a logistics company achieved significant improvements: a reduction of eight miles per driver in...

    Voice AI Handles 88.4% of Calls, Boosting Productivity

    A restaurant chain faced a challenge: how to ensure customer service on phone calls without interrupting the in-house guest experience. They implement...

    Robotic Process Automation to Expedite and Streamline Tax Processes

    Company utilized Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to improve the capabilities of their client accounting tool for financial reporting which allowed th...

    AI Cuts Meeting Transcription Time by 90%

    A media company faced the challenge of journalists spending too much time manually transcribing interviews. By implementing an AI-powered transcriptio...

    AI-Powered Tax Research

    AI-powered tool enables the firm not only to forecast tax results with over 90% accuracy but also to pose intricate tax-related inquiries with precisi...

    AI-powered Optical Solution for Real-time Bar Counting

    AI-powered optical solution for real-time bar counting on conveyor belts delivers 99.99% accuracy on 8 and 10 mm diameter.

    AI Meeting Scheduler: Save 3 Hours Weekly

    A small city council struggled to schedule meetings, especially with external participants, due to time-consuming email exchanges and the complexity o...

    AI-Powered Automation for Rail Edge Trimming

    A railway joint plate manufacturer faced a challenge in manually trimming 1,000 plates daily before heat treatment, a risky and inefficient process. T...

    ML Cuts Ferroalloy Costs 3-5% in Steel Smelting

    A steel manufacturer faced challenges balancing production speed, material conservation, and precise chemical composition control during smelting. The...

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