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    Case Studies

    A leading global fast-food chain leveraged an AI-driven approach to supply risk mitigation

    The implementation of AI enabled a fast-food chain to identify alternative suppliers to improve resilience, optimize supply network and save costs

    How AI Helped a Pharma Giant to Transform Its Procurement Infrastructure

    AI transformation of the pharma giant’s R&D procurement infrastructure improved operational efficiency and reduced costs

    AI Supply Chain Optimization Solution for Platelets

    An AI supply chain optimization solution for platelets enabled the NHS to achieve cost savings, reduce waste, and provide more efficient patient care

    Advanced AI-Powered Analytics for the Excavation Services Industry

    AI analytics empowered the excavating services provider with predictive insights, enabling a significant increase in productivity

    How the Construction Company Achieved Time Savings Required for Photo Documentation

    A construction company has saved $10K+ by avoiding rework, achieved significant time savings, and enhanced the accuracy of their progress tracking

    Deploying an AI-Based Monitoring System in Construction

    The partnership with the technology company enabled the construction company to leverage AI technology for a safer and compliant work environment

    AI Insured Workplace Safety at the Electrical Equipment Company

    By leveraging AI analytics, the electrical equipment company has reduced workplace incidents and enhanced its safety culture

    A Global Leader in Construction and Mining Equipment Integrated AI-powered Automation

    By leveraging cloud-based AI, a multinational manufacturing firm reduced overall cloud spend to more than USD 650,000

    How AI-Powered Contract Analysis Platform Revolutionized Contract Review for an International Law Firm

    The adoption of an AI platform at the international law firm has reduced the time on contract review by an average of 30-90 %

    An AI Solution Reshaped Chemical Company’s Legal Processes

    By transforming legal processes with an AI platform, the company has increased efficiency and enhanced its ability to maintain compliance

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